Looking for an easy way to keep your team healthy?
Stove is a personalised nutrition work benefit that can help. With our easy-to-use, chat-based service you and your team can get tailored advice from a Registered Dietitian on how to manage their nutrition and reach optimum health.
Your team will be more energized, motivated and productive. Sign up today for a stress-free way of improving team productivity within your workplace!
Support starts at just £15 pmm with complementary screenings. Get started on introducing nutrition care with Stove now.
Yes - we simply issue discount codes per employee to the value you wish to contribute to the service.
We only work with Registered Dietitians - unline ‘health coaches’ or ‘nutritionists’. Dietitians are regulated by law (HCPC) and governed by an ethical code to ensure they work to the highest standard.
Lots of very exciting features coming very soon! Subscriptions for large discounts on 1000s of health products, tailored nutrition programmes, dietry logs, challenges and health blogs.
It’s very easy - send through email addresses of employees that have opted in and they’ll get their own access code to use when booking a dietitian.