Our care plans

price per month per person
Personal Plus


Chat based support, led by a Registered Dietian


  • AItools - new recipe ideas, cooking tips, quickly log your symptoms
  • Food/Symptom tracker, access to analytics
  • Learning blogs, writtenby our dietitians
  • Small chat groups to ask any question, free of misinformation and led by dietitian.


food diary review


  • Everything from Community package plus:
  • 1 food review from dietitian, analysing your nutritional intake (40 minute call).
  • Includes a post review plan, with next steps to reach your goals

Personal plus

1:1 chat support, additional food review


  • Everything from Personal package plus:
  • 2 food reviews (1 every two weeks).
  • 1:1 chat support with your dietitian - 24/7 care.


Hi 👋,
I'm Emma, a Registered Dietitian with Stove.
How can I help?