April 18, 2023

The Benefits of Eating High Protein Snacks

Reviewed by Emma Ferris R.D.
Reviewed by Emma Ferris R.D.

How to fit High Protein Snacks into your diet

Eating the right snacks throughout the day can be a great way to boost your energy and keep your body nourished. High protein snacks are especially beneficial because they can help support muscle growth and recovery, which is important for athletes and those undergoing regular intensive exercise where requirements are increased.It is advised for these people high quality protein is consumed around every 3–5 hours over multiple meals.

Let’s explore some of the benefits of high protein snacks, as well as a few ideas for delicious, nutritious snacks you can enjoy during the day.

The Benefits of High Protein Snacks

High protein snacks are incredibly beneficial for anyone looking to maintain or build muscle mass. During exercise, muscles undergo micro-tears that need to be repaired in order for them to grow stronger and become more resilient. Without enough protein in your diet, these micro-tears won’t get repaired properly. If you have completed an intensive exercise try to have 15-20g high quality protein within 30 minutes to 2 hours afterwards. 

In addition to helping muscle recovery and growth, high protein snacks can also help keep you feeling full and energised throughout the day. Many people rely on sugary snacks or drinks as a quick pick-me-up when they start feeling tired, but these foods don’t provide any lasting energy—they just cause your blood sugar levels to spike before crashing back down again soon after. In contrast, high protein snacks provide long-lasting energy that isn’t accompanied by a crash.

High Protein Snack Ideas

If you’re looking for ideas on what types of high protein snack you should incorporate into your diet, there are plenty of options available! A handful of nuts such as almonds or cashews is always a great choice as they provide healthy fats in addition to proteins. You could also try making some homemade trail mix with dried fruits such as cranberries or apricots alongside some nuts and seeds; this makes for a great on-the-go snack that will keep you full until your next meal. For something savoury, hard boiled eggs make for an excellent snack option that can easily be taken with you wherever you go—just remember not to leave them out in warm weather too long! Finally, if it's been a particularly tough workout session consider making yourself a smoothie with some Greek yoghurt or cottage cheese blended in; these ingredients will give it an extra punch of protein while helping make it delicious too!

Key Takeaway

High protein snacks are essential for anyone who wants to stay on top of their health and fitness goals while keeping their energy levels up throughout the day. Not only do they help promote muscle growth and repair after exercise but they also provide lasting energy due to their slow digestion rate compared with other types of food like sweets or sugary drinks. There are numerous options available when it comes to high protein snacks so experiment away until you find the ones that work best for you!